The Root of It
The Root of It Podcast
Welcome to The Root of It Podcast

Welcome to The Root of It Podcast


Hi team! First full podcast episode is coming to your inboxes at 1pm tomorrow, but in the meantime I thought you might like to hear this little jingle I’ve put together to intro the project.

If you prefer to listen to podcasts on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, just click the links below and you’ll be taken to the relevant pages on those platforms where you can click to follow the show.


On Apple Podcasts:

On Spotify:

Show notes

Welcome to the Root of It podcast, a space for talking about food, farming, nature, and the environment for people looking for more connection with the land and where their food comes from.

I'm Olivia, a former London consultant turned agricultural student, and now writer and podcaster.

In these episodes, I'll be talking to a range of fascinating guests with different perspectives on key topics, including land use, sustainable farming, and biodiversity loss.

I very much hope you enjoy them and if you do, please consider rating and subscribing wherever you're listening.

Check back for new episodes every 1-2 weeks!

The Root of It
The Root of It Podcast
Farm-curious? Join me as I delve into the big topics in agriculture, nature and the countryside, and bring you the stories of people who shape our landscape everyday.
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Appears in episode
Olivia Rohll